Friday, January 29, 2010

Gathering our Gold

It was hot. So hot that I could feel my body shriveling up as every ounce of available water was sucked out of my pores. But they still came. Adults and children worked side by side to bring in the fruits of our labor during our first Community Harvest of the year. Prior to the harvest, Shawn was hopeful but cautious when he talked about the potential yields. Even as he drove truck load after truck load of maize from its piles in the field to the maize cribs near our house, he braced himself for any measure of disappointment. But it's two days later, and the men and women who work with the farm are still finishing the job. Last season, the same fields were easily finished by chai break (10:30) on the day of the Community Harvest. Not even a full day's work. We can attribute this amazing turn-around to the beautiful rains we received, but even the rain comes from God. So we say, Thank you, God! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for pouring the rain onto our fields and keeping animals and thieves out of them. We planted the seed, but you did the rest.

So now for a few pictures from the day i shriveled up like a raisin--or felt like it anyway!

Our poor vehicle gets more use and abuse...
I said it was hot...!

Shawn directing his self-appointed assistants
The happy farmer

Our dear little friend surveying the aftermath
The littlest workers
Check out the belly!
Proud of her papa...
and I am too!

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